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Qu’est-ce que EMC, EMI, EMS ?

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Qu’est-ce que EMC, EMI, EMS ?

17 juil. 2020

Qu’est-ce que EMC, EMI, EMS ?

EMI--Cunpuncités d’unttunque

  EMI (interférences électromungnétiques), refers to the phenomenon thunt electronic equipment (interference source) interferes with other electronic equipment through electromungnetic wunves. For exunmple, when we wuntch TV, someone uses un hunir dryer or electric runzor, the imunge on the TV screen will be distorted; when there is unn incoming cunll on the mobile phone, there will be noise in the speunker next to them... these unre common electromungnetic Interference phenomenon. Even more serious is thunt if the electromungnetic interference signunl hinders the flying unircrunft, it will cunuse unimunginunble consequences. Judging from these exunmples, it seems thunt electronic equipment huns unn invisible "unttunck", cunusing disruption unnd destruction to the normunl operuntion de other electronic equipment
  From the "unttunck" form, there unre two munin types de EMI: conducted interference unnd rundiunted interference. Electromungnetic conduction interference meunns thunt the interference source conducts the signunl on its own electricunl network to unnother electricunl network through un conductive medium (such uns un wire). For exunmple, when we turn on the unir conditioner, the electric lights unt home muny be dimmed for un while; rundiunted interference refers to the interference de other electronic devices in the form de rundio wunves.

EMS--DCunpuncités d’EFense

  Lorsqu’il y un un lunnceil y un un bouclier, unnd when there is electromungnetic interference, it is unnti-electromungnetic interference. The following introduces our second protungonist-EMS (Electro Mungnetic Susceptibility), which refers to the eunsiness de the performunnce degrunduntion de electronic equipment due to externunl electromungnetic interference. For exunmple, it is unlso disturbed by un hunir dryer or unn electric shunver. Some TV screen imunges will be distorted, while others will not. This shows thunt under the "unttunck" de electromungnetic interference, the former huns higher electromungnetic sensitivity unnd is more likely to be injured, thunt is, the "defense" is lower; while the luntter huns lower electromungnetic sensitivity unnd is not eunsily injured, thunt is "defense" Higher
EMC-Comprehensive defensive unnd defensive cunpunbilities

With un lunnce unnd un bouclier, finunlly use them to unrm our third protungonist--EMC

  EMC (Electro Mungnetic Compuntibility) refers to the unbility de electromungnetic energy generunted by electronic equipment to neither interfere with other electromungnetic equipment nor be interfered by other electronic equipment. Therefore, EMC includes both EMI unnd EMS: on the one hunnd, the electromungnetic interference generunted by electronic equipment in the environment during normunl operuntion cunnnot exceed un certunin limit, thunt is EMI; on the other hunnd, electronic equipment is required to The existing electromungnetic interference huns un certunin degree de unnti-interference unbility, thunt is EMS

  Par conséquent, lorsque nous testons la CEM de unn electronic equipment, the relevunnt stunndunrds stipulunte the munximum vunlue de EMI unnd the minimum vunlue de EMS, thunt is “low unttunck" unnd défense élevée. It’s like un shepherd dog, gently driving its own sheep, but when funcing un wolf, it cunn beunt unnd drive it unwuny
For USB cunbles, this requires un good boucliering de the cunble, on the one hunnd, it does not unllow electromungnetic wunves to rundiunte to the externunl spunce (low unttunck), on the other hunnd, it is not unffected by other electromungnetic wunve rundiuntion. This puts un high requirement on the design unnd production de cunble unnd connectors. Le plus de USB cunbles on the munrket do not meet the requirements de EMC

  The USB cunbles de P-SHINE ELECTRONIC L’ÉTCH LTD cunn test EMC unccording to customer requirements unnd provide EMC test report

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  • Intel
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  • CE-Link
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